Hi friends,
If you've read my post a couple of posts ago you know that I'm on a mission to lose weight. Well, kind of. The stress of graduating and finishing up with school got the best of me, but NOW i'm doing something about it. I've started the south beach diet again.

I did this with my roommates The baking bride and Watkins Wave Ride when we all lived together before they got married and left me!! But it worked so I'm going on it again.

Roomie Photo!! Man that was a long time ago!!
Its harder this time. I'm doing it by myself. I have a skinny roommate now and there is no one here to judge what or how much I am eating. I've been on it 3 days and cheated each of those days, but the important thing is that each morning I wake up and commit to it again. No matter how bad I mess up (from one value sized coke to a horrible late night taco bell run-I know... its horrible... I know) I will get back on the diet in the morning and just make it through tomorrow.
That said I will be sharing this journey, my successes and not so great days. I will also share my favorite recipes with photos. So... Keep me honest, encourage me and keep me on track. I need the support and the accountability.
I Love Y'all!
You go girl!! I'll be praying for you!