Monday, October 22, 2012

Weigh In Week 6

Alright guys!! I'm officially only 100lbs from my goal weight! 
For some reason my brain thinks that this number is much more defeat-able than the 108lbs I started at. And I feel encouraged because I'm on a roll.

One weird thing that has happened this week is that I've woken up the last 4 days feeling fat. Its not that my clothes are tight or anything like that, I just feel HUGE!! and then I get on the scale and see it down a point or two from yesterday and I spend all day convincing myself I really am looking better even though I feel blah today. 

Also ... I got off my exercise wagon after day 1 last week, but I got back on yesterday so maybe I'll stick with it this time. I took a nice long walk around campus yesterday before/after dinner... I'm trying to decide what I will do today... maybe I'll try out the gym here this afternoon/tonight... who knows!? (*God Does*) 

Here are the stats:

Weight Loss this week: 1.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 8 lbs
Total Loss To-Go: 100 lbs!
Days without soda: 7 of 365
Days with Exercise: 1 of 50

Thanks for reading! 
Have a good Monday!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm getting started!

So now that I've had my 30 before 30 list complete and have been letting it settle for a week I've decided its time to get started on it (with some urging from the baking bride). 

The first thing I started on was filling out my application for Mfuge this summer (#20). I've got all of it filled out except my references.

Another thing I started was my year with no soda (#25). I decided the sooner I start it the sooner I can finish. So I am on Day 3 now and I've only really wanted a coke once. One thing that never occurred to me when planning on doing this is the $$ that I will save. It hit me as I handed over a $5 bill at Popeye's yesterday and got plenty of change back, when if I were to have gotten the combo It would have been over $6. Score! I'm thinking about putting all the $$ I'll save into a Jar and just see how much it saves me over the course of this next year! (and maybe it will help fund one of my other goals!)

One thing I started this morning was my 1st day working on (#26) exercising every day for 50 days. I did some simple arm flab exercises while watching the view! 

Heres the Countdown:
Days without soda: 3 of 365
Days with Exercise: 1 of 50

Until Next Time!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why do we crave the stuff that is killing us?

This question has just bogged down my mind this weekend. You see I have a gluten sensitivity and I had a kidney infection this past week. As I walked around the grocery store all I wanted to buy was foods full of wheat products and man I could have killed for a Coke.

For me, having a couple of cokes in the span of 2 days after a period of not having any for a while always triggers a kidney infection, but still as I was laying there on the couch with my lower back throbbing, I wanted so badly to go out and get a coke. It literally put me in that situation and I still craved it. I feel like I should be Angry at it and Hate it for hurting me... but I don't.

This same thing happens with anything with gluten in it, if there are 3 or four days of eating breads or pastas, my insides just start hurting, and I know why and I know who to blame, but still I am drawn to those foods when I'm feeling bad.

I'm sure its all psychological, those foods are my "comfort foods" so they make my brain happy when I partake in them. They help relieve my mental stress and help me to "relax". (Sounds like an alcoholic talking about their evening drink doesn't it?)

I've got to figure out a way to see these foods for what they are, harmful dangerous weapons that seek to destroy my body, and start a vicious cycle of needing comfort, getting it from these foods, feeling bad, and needing comfort again. I'm not saying that wheat and cokes are harmful and dangerous for everyone. But for me they are. and I need to understand that to live the healthiest life possible. The hard part now is acting on this knowledge because now I am responsible for it. 

Any Ideas on how to do that?
I would greatly appreciate any ideas at this point because simply cuting them out of my life is not going to work. 

There you have it. My thought for the week!

Weigh-In Week 5

Good Morning My Dear Friends!

Its been one blur of a week, I feel like I was just posting weigh in results from last week!

Well this week I didn't lose any weight but I didn't gain any either. I was sick the last half of the week so I ate comfort foods with bread and crust and noodles, but one amazing thing occurred to me as I look back on my weekend of comfort foods. Although I ate some unhealthy foods I didn't eat nearly as much of them as I would have on a similar weekend in the past. I made a pot of Shells and cheese but ate it for 2 different meals, when in the past I would have split the pot into two bowl fulls, first and seconds at the same meal. I'm learning I don't need nearly as much of anything to survive and be full even with the really tasty bad stuff!

Another thing that is changing is how my t-shirts fit. I don't have to stretch them out with my arms before I pull them over my head to have a nice relaxed fit that doesn't show of my muffin top, which is also shrinking. That is really nice.

There you have it. My weekly weigh-in!
I'll probably post another post this afternoon on something else that occurred to me this weekend!

Love Always,

P.S. How about them Bulldawgs!?!? They played a great game Saturday night!!
It's always a great day to be a bulldawg!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

One Month Update

So its officially been a month since I started my weight loss journey. I'm not as far along as I thought I'd be but thats ok because I am closer to my goal and closer to the better version of me.
So I'm 6.6 Lbs Lighter than September 10th which is great! I'm on new meds that should help with the insulin resistance I'm experiencing as a side effect of of my PCOS.

Today was a stinky day... I mean it was just one of those days when I just couldn't get ahead of the curve, and I and for some reason super exhausted all of a sudden... but that may just be from the hour of bus driving I did this afternoon. Also... to add insult to injury, every time I got frustrated with my day the image of my dear friend Jerms living it up at the beach on his family vacation this week... Not the image to help me cope with my day.. haha

One up side to the day though was during my down time over on the campus of MSU I ran into a long lost cousin of mine and had a great and encouraging conversation. This is the first conversation that we actually had because we always miss each other at family events, someone is in africa or something. and the thing is we really have walked similar paths at State its just I did it like a year ahead of him.. weird right.. But back to my story. God just really encouraged me today through this conversation.. isn't God cool like that?!

there you go. a one month update for all of you lovely readers.
Have a great rest of the week!

** update on the update. I just realized I have a kidney infection. The general not feeling good today and the nausea the past few days were early signs I just didn't pick up on until that old familiar back pain came and went twice tonight while I was watching Modern Family and CSI at work... then it just all came together. Upside: I learned a new word from the WebMD article. It is Malaise. It means that general feeling of not feeling well and usually precedes the occurrence of an infection of some kind.**

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30 before 30: the list

Here it is! My Super exciting post!

This is a list of 30 things I would like to do by the time I turn 30, which is a good 5 1/2 years away. Some are kind of lofty and several might be quite costly but its now or never right?! I'll update you when one of these have been completed and also as I am completing a few.
 I may need your help to complete some of these because they won't be any fun doing it by myself!
 This is super exciting to me. I just want to get started! 

1. Cook through a cookbook
2. Visit every continent (sans anartica)
Europe Asia North America South America Africa Australia
3. Swim in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
4. Go on a cross country road trip
5. So to a Saints game at the Superdome

6. Own my own home
7. Buy a new car
8. Get married
9. Become a parent
10. Be at my goal weight - only 101.4 lbs to go!
11. Donate to locks of love
12. Share a meal with Tim Tebow

13. Adopt a Child
14. Recover a couch
15. Go parasailing
16. Ride in a hot air balloon
17. Stay in a hostel
18. Get a really good camera and learn to take really great photos with it
19. Do a tasting in napa valley
20. Work at a summer camp

21. Meet Esther, my compassion child
22. Compete in a adventure run like warrior or diva dash
23. Go backstage at a concert
24. Get a tattoo
25. Give up ALL soda for a whole year this is going to be the hardest one to complete 

26. Do 100 consecutive push ups (in my wedding dress would be really cool but lets not get ahead of ourselves)
27. Spend a day sailing
28. Go deep sea fishing
29. Exercise every day for 50 days in a row
30. Own a pair of Louboutins.- aren't they beautiful?!
**All images in the list were found using google images**

So there it is! My list. I could explain a story for each of these but that would make for an excruciatingly long post! Maybe I'll share my motives as I complete them!
I can't wait to get started!

-Chelsea- Lou

Weigh In Week 4

Good Morning!!
I'm happy to say that I'm back on track from before the yucky cheat weeks! Yay!
And whats more beautiful, I am starting to feel better, I don't hate getting out of the bed and I actually don't mind taking the stairs. Score and Score!
Here are my stats this week:

Weight Loss this week: 2.1 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 6.6 lbs
Total Loss To-Go: 101.4 lbs

See.. I'm back on track! Yay!
I found this encouraging pin the other day and its really stuck in my head.

 I hope it encourages you in your weight loss journey as much as it has me!

Have a Happy Week! 

p.s. I am working on a really exciting post that will be up sometime this week! I can't wait to share it with you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

1,000th Pin!

So I take pride in my pinterest.. I check every link out and read through most things I repin to make sure that its a legit site behind it. Well today was my 1,000th pin and to me it was a big deal, so I searched high and low in 4 different categories to find a good one but nothing seemed appropriate for the occasion.. so I decided to go humorous with this milestone and I'm so glad I did. I can quit laughing at this and I can just hear my dad laughing at these all the way down in Louisiana!
Enjoy! and follow me on Pinterest if you don't already!

You may have to zoom in to be able to read them all.. its just too funny!!
oh puppies! you gotta love 'em! - Chels

Its been a Great Weekend!

Hey Readers!

As the title states it was a great weekend filled with some fantastic friends from my past, shopping and super yummy food! Yes I went off plan this weekend but only on a couple of things did I really go over board, like that banana pudding concrete from Bops, the China Wok take out for dinner and a Chicken-on-a-stick from that gas station in Raleigh... they were all delicious and I believe worthy splurges. 

I didn't weigh-in today because I didn't stay at the dorm last night and I had to eat breakfast and drink 8oz of water this morning to take my meds I missed last night (oops). So I will weigh in in the morning and let you know first thing! 

I just finished this Quiet Workout I found on pinterest. Its originally from a fitness blog I have been following lately called Back on Pointe. Its definitely quiet but I can't do some of those moves... the :45 plank went down in :15 and the Jackknife crunches looked ridiculous.
 But that doesn't matter.. I did it!
 Go Me!
That means peggy gets fed today after all!
Quiet Workout from Back on Pointe
One thing that I am learning this time around is that I will never be successful on my weight loss journey if I abstain from everything delicious all the time. It has to be a life long commitment to weigh my options and go healthy when I can so later I can splurge on a cheese covered enchilada and not feel guilty. Its also reminding myself that I don't always need a side with my meal. Like that chicken-on-a-stick I mentioned earlier, when I ordered it the girl behind the counter gave me a bewildered look when I told her i didn't want any potato logs to go with it ( I wanted them but I had already made a concession for the battered and fried entree in her hand). 
One thing that I need to work on, and this will probably be a long process, is not eating after I'm full. Every meal that I ate this weekend I can remember the feeling of being full and still having food on my plate so my brain told me to keep eating. Its a learning process. Another reason this has occurred to me lately is I am trying to keep myself to a strict budget so that I can put as much into savings as possible and if I could stop eating when I first feel full I'd have a second meal from each of those that I ate too much at this weekend.

This will be my challenge to myself this week:
 To stop when I feel full and save it for later. 

Hasta la Vista!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Weigh-in Week 3

Alright Guys..
I made a commitment to weigh-in this week even though I knew that I wouldn't like the numbers on the scale this morning.
Here are the stats:

Weight Loss this week: +1 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 4.5 lbs
Total Loss To-Go: 103.5 lbs

Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be but that means that my mani-pedi is that much farther away. :( 

But today I've gotten back on track, its just another day in which I am sticking to my commitment. 

I made a sign to help remind me to stay on track. Here it is:

If its a little busy for your eyes, it says "What you eat in private you wear in public... Think before you open this door." Its on my little fridge in my room so that I have to look at it each time I walk over to just look and see. 

This week will be better. 
I will make this week better.

Thanks for keeping me accountable!