Tuesday, June 8, 2010

HI from Alaska!!

ok so... i made it... and this is definitely where God wants me to be this summer. I'm made for Girdwood.(which is the town i'm living in this summer) however i am not made for bike riding... but that is another story all together. Girdwood is located about 40 miles south of Anchorage along the Turnigan arm(i am sure i spelled this wrong) and its full of artsy young families with amazing kids and very friendly people who i know i will grow to love. Today we went and worked at a soccer camp for kids and i loved it even though i know almost nothing about the sport.. But all you need is to know God and have a willing spirit and believe it or not.. he will use you to bless the ones you are helping so tremendously
Yesterday we went into Palmer and spoke at a VBS and got to meet an amazing lady named Ms. Kay. Ms. Kay is the definition of hard core and she loves the lord and her only purpose in life is to lead others to him. She told us some amazing stories about her life here in Alaska as well as the time she spent in the lower 48. Her stories went right along with something God has been teaching me about himself this past week or so... God truly provides for his children. God more than provides for his children, He gives them Everything they need as well as some of the things they would never even ask for. So many times we forget this.
well now it is rest time!! I've heard Jet Lag is killer so i am going to try to beat it this time!
Talk to you guys later!


  1. oh yes! the video is beautiful!!! Hope you have an amazing summer!! Sounds like you are off to a wonderful start!!

  2. Glad to know you made it safely. We are praying for you.

  3. Thanks for the update chelsea, blessings. Hunter G
