So.. I've been thinking lately with my very stressful month of June "What are some things that make me forget about ALL the bad stuff for a minute?"
I've decided to compile a list of things and share it with you so that you might take a moment and make a list of your own favorite things that help you de-stress.
(This could be a very useful list for my future husband
to refer to because doing these things really do clear my mind and get me ready to face the stressful stuff with a new and positive outlook.)

1. Eating Fresh Watermelon. I LOVE WATERMELON!!! LOVE IT!!

2. Jet skiing.

3. laying out on a beach... Doing absolutely nothing except listening to music

4. Holding/Playing with a baby... any baby, orphaned or well loved

5. Shopping... specifically shoe shopping but any shopping, even grocery shopping... but there is one condition... I would much rather go shopping by myself when looking to destress than with a group or even another person

6. Cooking.... I was just thinking earlier today how I really want to be able to cook a Thanksgiving Dinner for all of my college friends again like I did last thanksgiving after Brent's family had Mexican for TG dinner and NO TURKEY!! We had to get that man some turkey so I cooked!
As I was finishing this short list of my favorite things I remembered that I once had to do this in a counseling class and was told it was a great way to remind yourself to take care of you and your mental health so that the stress doesn't overwhelm and paralyze you from being effective.
Please take a moment to jot down a few things that help you de-stress and be a happier, healthier you.
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